
Optirat Plus Auto-Water Cage Bottom for cage-mounted Avidity/Edstrom Valves

Highest Rat IVC Cage Density in the Industry

Optirat Plus Auto-Water Cage Bottom, complete with four filters, Avidity/Edstrom cage-mounted valve included

This uniquely shaped cage is designed to provide the highest density of caging per square foot of room space and provides a multitude of benefits: laminar airflow, slow air movement, removal of waste gas from the entire cage, and a wide front area for easy viewing of rats. The mezzanine level (not included) is highly valued by rats and they are most often found relaxing and exploring up on the shelf.

Recommendations: This cage comes with the Avidity/Edstrom valve mounted at the back. Some Optirat Plus Standard Bottle and Cap CP79W100P should be ordered if water bottle usage is also planned for some or all of the cages. If using water bottles, order Optirat Plus External Water Bottle/Bag Cage Top CP79T100P. The lack of motors, vibration and noise means this cage is particularly well suited for rats in behavior studies, mice who need complex, enriched environments including many structures such as running wheels, shelters, ramps, and tubes and exotic rodents such as deer mice.

Typical products purchased with this cage bottom are:

  • Optirat Plus Cage Mezzanine: CP79A102M
  • Optirat Plus Standard Bottle and Cap (2 per cage): CP79W100P
  • Optirat Plus Standard Feeder with Hinged Cover: CP40F105
  • Optirat Plus External Water Bottle/Bag Cage Top: CP79T100P
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SKU: CP79B200P Categories: ,

• Compatible with Optirat Plus Rack, Cage-Mounted Avidity/Edstrom Valves: CP77R20EDC
• Highest housing density in the industry
• Complex, multiple level and extra cage height promote natural behaviors
• Prevents release of odors and allergens in the animal room
• Superior cage visibility
• Lightweight, easy and low cost to maintain
• Integrated cage card holder
• Many customized accessories available
• Can house hamsters, guinea pigs, and deer mice, and other small rodents

What to expect from all Animal Care Systems cages

• One-­pass, low-­velocity airflow with total volume air changes
• No noise or vibration
• Variable-free environment
• Prevents release of odors and allergens in the animal room
• Superior cage visibility
• Lightweight and low cost to maintain

Cage Outside Dimensions
15.3” (38.9 cm) L x 22.4” (56.9 cm) W (front) x 10.3” (26.2 cm) H

Cage Floor Area
183 square inches (1181 square centimeters); 244 square inches (1574 sq cm) with mezzanine

Cage Capacity
Without mezzanine: 2 rats 500 g or heavier; 3 rats 400-500 g; 4 rats 300-400 g; 6 rats 300-200 g; 8 rats 100-200 g With mezzanine: 3 rats 500 g or heavier; 4 rats 400-500 g; 6 rats 300-400 g; 8 rats 300-200 g; 10 rats 100-200 g

Cage Interior Height
10 inches (25.4 cm)

Cage Material
