
Optirat Plus Cage Stamped Perforated Floor

Wish You Had An Alternative To Traditional Wire Bar Toxicology Floors?

Many toxicology studies utilize non-solid floors since they facilitate controlled exposure to drugs and drug metabolites, eliminate bedding as an experimental variable and allow for more accurate  feed consumption measurements. But many rodents show preferences for solid bottom bedded cages and certain designs of wire bar floors can predispose select animals to limb lesions and injuries, causing premature termination of a study or variable data.

Recommendations: For studies that don’t have absolute requirements for fasting or total isolation of urine and feces from the animal, we recommend using the floor that is gentlest on the feet.

(previously known as Optirat Plus Cage Tox Floor)

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Mimics a solid bottom floor more closely than a wire bar floor
Perforation is more gentle on feet

Stamped from a flat sheet 304L Stainless Steel
