• Optional caps available including standard bottle caps, 4.5″ long sipper tube, curved sipper tube & head implant sipper tube

Optirat Plus Water Bottle, no cap
Compact Large Volume Water Bottle For Use With Various Caps
This water bottle has a unique rubber threads at the seal which minimizes cage bottle leaks. The wide mouth allows for easy filling of water; the wide low profile of the bottle means it is difficult to topple yet contains an ample volume of water.
Recommendations: This is the typical water bottle chosen by our customers. Two bottles are used per cage. The autowater cage tops cannot accommodate the use of water bottles, therefore when using autowater cages, be sure to order some water bottle compatible tops.
Typical products purchased with this bottle are:
- Optirat Plus Standard Bottle Cap: CP79W050R
- Optirat Plus Bottle Cap Assembly, 4.5″ Sipper Tube: CP79W051R
- Optirat Plus Bottle Cap, Curved Sipper Tube: CP79W053R
- Optirat Plus Surgical Implant Bottle Cap: CP79W052R