• SE Lab Group 10-0040 Drinking valve for mice and rats
• This drinking valve includes a positive spring-loaded shutoff lever assembly and a hard rigid disc to prevent animals from pushing bedding into the drinker

SE Lab Group Quick Disconnect Rack Mounted Valve
Reduce Labor with Automatic Watering
Animal Care Systems uses the SE Lab Group 10-0040 Drinking valve for mice and rats with all of its SE Lab Group quick disconnect watering options. The 10-0040 is designed for use with ventilated caging systems, or any application that requires the drinking valve to be inside the cage. Automated watering has been shown to increase water quality, dramatically reduce labor and prevent the ergonomic risks associated with water bottles. Automated watering also complements the microenvironmental housing concept by eliminating the cage handling required to service water bottles.
Typical products purchased with this valve are:
- Cage Seal for Valve: C45160