Optimice Single-use Rodent CageCategory: Training VideosTags: Animal Welfare and Diseases, Instructions, Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, Optimice, Room/Cage EnvironmentThe Optimice single-use rodent cage is fully compatible with the original Optimice IVC rack system. This step-by-step video shows you…Read More
Optimice BlockpartyCategory: Training VideosTags: Animal Welfare and Diseases, Instructions, Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, Optimice, Room/Cage EnvironmentWant to increase cage space without purchasing a new IVC system? Watch how to operate the Blockparty rodent cage and…Read More
Optimice Cage Top PropCategory: Training VideosTags: Human Welfare and Diseases, Instructions, Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, Optimice, Room/Cage EnvironmentNeed more space in your Biosafety Cabinet during cage change? Watch how the innovative and ergonomic rodent cage top prop…Read More
Value Stream Mapping of Mouse Cage ProductionCategory: Case StudiesTags: Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, OptimiceThe use of lean and Six Sigma tools has not only allowed a more efficient cage handling process to be…Read More
A Study on Time Differences for Activities Between Animal Care Systems Ventilated Racks and Conventional Suspended Shoe Box BinsCategory: Case StudiesTags: Animal Welfare and Diseases, Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, Optimice, Optirat PlusOur facility wanted to transition from open top shoe box rodent cages to ventilated caging. A study was undertaken to…Read More
Using the Lean Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Mouse Cage Sanitation Time for Animal Care and Use ProgramsCategory: Published StudiesTags: Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, OptimiceThe cage sanitation process for animals used in biomedical research can be labor-intensive.Procedures are described in this paper that resulted…Read More
Lean Six Sigma: Reducing Mouse Cage Sanitation Time by Dr David W. Brammer and Dr Jamison V. KovachCategory: WebinarsTags: Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, OptimiceThe cage sanitation process for animals used in biomedical research can be labor-intensive.Procedures are described in this paper that resulted…Read More
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine by Dr. David BrammerCategory: WebinarsTags: Lean/Washing/Sterilizing, OptimiceThe use of ventilated cages for housing rats and mice is a well-recognized method to prevent infectious diseases from spreading…Read More