Effect of Room Ventilation Rates in Rodent Rooms with Direct-Exhaust IVC Systems
When IVC are directly exhausted from a rodent housing room, the air quality of the room can become independent of the
intracage air quality and may reduce the need for high room ventilation rates. Air quality in the room and in the cages were acceptable with room
ventilation rates of 5 to 6 ACH in rodent rooms that use direct-exhaust IVC systems. Animal Care Systems is the original direct-exhaust IVC System. Keywords: Room Ventilation, allergens, Laboratory Animal Allergy, ACH, air changes per hour; cfm, cubic feet per minute; air quality, negative exhaustdirect exhaust ventilation, EVC, Aircuity, Optimice
Geertsema, Roger S; Lindsell, Claire E. Effect of Room Ventilation Rates in Rodent Rooms with DirectExhaust IVC Systems. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Volume 54, Number 5, September 2015, pp. 521-526(6). http://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/aalas/jaalas/2015/00000054/00000005/art00009