Effects of Supplemental Heat When Provided to Rodent Housing UnitsCategory: PostersTags: Animal Welfare and Diseases, SMART System, Thermoneutral ZoneLaboratory rodents are typically kept in animal housing rooms set at temperatures between 20-22ºC as recommended by the Guide for…Read More
Investigation Of A Novel Thermal Support System To Recover Post‑Anesthetized MiceCategory: Case StudiesTags: Animal Welfare and Diseases, SMART System, Thermoneutral ZoneLaboratory rodents are typically housed in rooms set at temperatures between 20-22°C, primarily to match the comfort requirements of the…Read More
What is the Best Airflow and Airflow Patterns in an Individually Ventilated Cage?Category: BlogTags: Animal Welfare and Diseases, Human Welfare and Diseases, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, Room/Cage Environment, SMART SystemTHE FIRST INDIVIDUALLY VENTILATED CAGING SYSTEMS (IVC) were brought onto the laboratory animal market about 40 years ago. Those systems…Read More
Large Transport Box – Quartering DividerCategory: Training VideosTags: Instructions, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, SMART SystemUse these ground transport microisolator boxes for shipping your research rodents safely and conveniently. Each box can be divided easily,…Read More
Large Transport BoxCategory: Training VideosTags: Instructions, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, SMART SystemUse these ground transport microisolator boxes for shipping your research rats and other larger rodent species safely and conveniently. Each…Read More
Small Transport BoxCategory: Training VideosTags: Instructions, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, SMART SystemUse these ground transport microisolator boxes for shipping your research mice safely and conveniently. Each box can be divided easily,…Read More
Iris Airflow Damper and Rack Status MonitorCategory: Training VideosTags: Instructions, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, SMART SystemNeed to adjust airflow to your IVC rack system? This video will show you how to easily do so with…Read More
Auto-Water Hook-up and BleedCategory: Training VideosTags: Instructions, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, SMART SystemNeed to spot check airflow to your IVC rack system? Here’s how you can use the ACS rack anemometer to…Read More
Blower-Free IVC System TechnologyCategory: Training VideosTags: Instructions, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, SMART SystemEver wonder about the revolutionary Animal Care Systems IVC rack system technology? Watch this video to learn what sets us…Read More
IVC Rack Status MonitorCategory: Training VideosTags: Instructions, Optimice, Optirat GenII, Optirat Plus, SMART SystemTo ensure continuous and adequate airflow to your IVC rack system for rats and mice, watch this instructional video on…Read More